Servant, persistent, and DSLs
A few days ago I hinted on how I used servant
with persistent
on reddit. My approach is about using a few DSLs to simplify the definition of the web application, and to make sure that all important side effects (authentication, access control, database failures, etc.) are handled in a single place. In this post I will define a DSL for access right management and another for writing the webservice itself.
I tried to extract the gist of my engine in that post, so this might seem a bit overengineered for such a simple example. Also I just made sure it compiled, and did not test it, so it might be buggy :)
This post is a literate Haskell file. It assumes you are already knowledgeable about servant
, persistent
and operational
(for the last one, being familiar with free
will be enough).
{-# LANGUAGE KitchenSink #-}
I am using servant
, persistent
and lens
in this example, so there is quite a bit of boilerplate, as expected.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Main where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Logger
import qualified Control.Monad.Operational as O
import Control.Monad.Operational hiding (view)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Int
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Database.Persist.Sqlite
import Database.Persist.TH
import Data.Text.Lens
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import Servant
import AccessType
The AccessType
module just exports the following definition, along with all the instances required to use it with servant
and persistent
data AccessType = NoAccess | ReadOnly | ReadWrite | Owner
Persistent model
A person is a user of the blog. They can have a special attribute that marks them as administrators, meaning they have all rights.
= True }
share [ mkPersist sqlSettings { mpsGenerateLenses "migrateAll"]
, mkMigrate
Person json
name Text
isAdmin Bool
UniqueName name deriving Show
The BlogPost
definition is pretty basic.
BlogPost json
title Text
content deriving Show
Finally we have a table that associates an access right to a person. When no matching record exists, the access right is equivalent to NoAccess
PostRights json
person BlogPostId
post AccessType
access UniqueRight person post
deriving Show
API definition
I use a few tricks to define the API. The first one was stolen from this reddit comment:
type CRUD a = DN :> ReqBody '[JSON] a :> Post '[JSON] (MKey a) -- create
:<|> DN :> Capture "id" (MKey a) :> Get '[JSON] a -- read
:<|> DN :> Capture "id" (MKey a) :> ReqBody '[JSON] a :> Put '[JSON] () -- update
:<|> DN :> Capture "id" (MKey a) :> Delete '[JSON] () -- delete
It lets you factor the four endpoints you will need for a basic CRUD interface, and will prove handy during the API definition. It uses some helper types:
type DN = Header "dn" Text
is a header that is provided by the web server. There is a web-facing server that handles the TLS authentication, adds the dn
header when it succeeds or drops the connection when it fails. This field contains the distinguished name of the certificate the user presented. I can trust this value as much as I can trust my PKI, and will not verify it in the application code.
newtype MKey a = MKey { getMKey :: Int64 }
deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON, FromText)
_MKey :: ToBackendKey SqlBackend a => Iso' (MKey a) (Key a)
= iso (toSqlKey . getMKey) (MKey . fromSqlKey) _MKey
The _MKey
is a newtype that is isomorphic to persistent
's Key
. It is needed because Key
does not have the instances I need to use it with servant
. In this case the user-facing id of the entities will be their primary key in the database. Don't try this at home!
The API itself is just made of CRUD enpoints for Person
and BlogPost
type MyApi = "person" :> CRUD Person
:<|> "post" :> CRUD BlogPost
myApi :: Proxy MyApi
= Proxy myApi
Permission checking DSL
The first DSL that I am going to introduce is for permission checking. This will look overengineered in this toy program, but it turns out I can have funky permissions for my use case.
I use the operational
package, mostly because I am used to it. It is overkill as this particular DSL probably only requires an Applicative
instance. But as the next DSL requires a full Monad
instance, both will be defined using the same machinery to keep things consistent.
Let's start with defining the actions :
type PermProgram = Program PermCheck
data PermCheck a where
IsAdmin :: PermCheck Bool
BlogPostRight :: Key BlogPost -> PermCheck AccessType
I just have a pair of them here, but you should add one each time there is a new kind of access type you will need to enforce.
Now here are a few helper functions :
-- checks that the current user is an administrator
isAdmin :: PermProgram Bool
= singleton IsAdmin
-- returns the access right of the current user on a particular blog post
blogPostRight :: Key BlogPost -> PermProgram AccessType
= singleton . BlogPostRight
-- checks that an `AccessType` is at least `ReadOnly`
ro :: PermProgram AccessType -> PermProgram Bool
= fmap (>= ReadOnly)
-- checks that an `AccessType` is at least `ReadWrite`
rw :: PermProgram AccessType -> PermProgram Bool
= fmap (>= ReadWrite)
-- checks that an `AccessType` is at least `Owner`
owner :: PermProgram AccessType -> PermProgram Bool
= fmap (>= Owner)
-- helper function for actions that everyone can perform
always :: PermProgram Bool
= pure True
-- operator for "or-ing" two permission checking actions
(.||) :: PermProgram Bool -> PermProgram Bool -> PermProgram Bool
.||) = liftM2 (||)
-- operator for "and-ing" two permission checking actions
(.&&) :: PermProgram Bool -> PermProgram Bool -> PermProgram Bool
.&&) = liftM2 (&&) (
And here is the kind of expression you can write :
.|| (ro (blogPostRight postid) .&& owner (commentRight commentid)) isAdmin
Web application DSL
This DSL is a bit more complicated. It exposes primitives for interacting safely with the database and a way to cancel the computation and throw errors at the user. We expect the error throwing part to cancel the current SQL transaction and spit an error message to the webservice user.
The instructions are a direct mapping of their counterpart in persistent
. The WebService
monad is not an instance of MonadError ServantErr
because "catching" an exception would not make sense (it would require nested SQL transactions, which I know nothing about). As all sort of constraints on our values are required to make persistent
happy, the PC
constraint synonym as been created.
In the real life, you will probably need a more versatile database access (arbitrary selects and deletes using esqueleto
), logging and other goodies. They are not required for our simple example.
type WebService = Program WebAction
type PC val = (PersistEntityBackend val ~ SqlBackend, PersistEntity val)
data WebAction a where
Throw :: ServantErr -> WebAction a
Get :: PC val => Key val -> WebAction (Maybe val)
Del :: PC val => Key val -> WebAction ()
GetBy :: PC val => Unique val -> WebAction (Maybe (Entity val))
New :: PC val => val -> WebAction (Key val)
Upd :: PC val => Key val -> val -> WebAction ()
-- throws an error
throw :: ServantErr -> WebService a
= singleton . Throw
-- dual of `persistent`'s `get`
mget :: PC val => Key val -> WebService (Maybe val)
= singleton . Get
-- dual of `persistent`'s `getBy`
mgetBy :: PC val => Unique val -> WebService (Maybe (Entity val))
= singleton . GetBy
-- dual of `persistent`'s `insert`
mnew :: PC val => val -> WebService (Key val)
= singleton . New
-- dual of `persistent`'s `update`
mupd :: PC val => Key val -> val -> WebService ()
= singleton (Upd k v)
mupd k v
-- dual of `persistent`'s `delete`
mdel :: PC val => Key val -> WebService ()
= singleton . Del
-- like `mget` but throws a 404 if it could not find the corresponding record
mgetOr404 :: PC val => Key val -> WebService val
= mget >=> maybe (throw err404) return
-- like `mgetBy` but throws a 404 if it could not find the corresponding record
mgetByOr404 :: PC val => Unique val -> WebService (Entity val)
= mgetBy >=> maybe (throw err404) return mgetByOr404
Evaluating the permissions checking DSL
Now that we have defined the web application DSL, it's trivial to evaluate our expression checking DSL into it.
-- Given the current user, runs a `PermProgram` in the `WebService` monad.
checkPerms :: Entity Person -> PermProgram a -> WebService a
= eval (O.view cnd)
checkPerms ent cnd where
= entityVal ent
usr = entityKey ent
userkey eval :: ProgramView PermCheck a -> WebService a
Return a) = return a
eval (IsAdmin :>>= nxt) =
eval ( checkPerms ent (nxt (_personIsAdmin usr))
There might be no matching record when retrieving the access rights a given user has on a given blog post. In that case, NoAccess
should be used.
BlogPostRight k :>>= nxt) =
eval (UniqueRight userkey k)
mgetBy (>>= checkPerms ent
. nxt
. maybe NoAccess (_postRightsAccess . entityVal)
Evaluating the web application DSL
Now we are going to turn the WebService
type into something that can be used with persistent
type ServantIO a = SqlPersistT (LoggingT (EitherT ServantErr IO)) a
The conversion practically writes itself, except for handling rollbacks. There is only one thing you should take care of: never use a bare throwError
, except in the Throw
handler, as the whole point of this exercise is to ensure that sessions are properly rollbacked in case of errors.
runServant :: WebService a -> ServantIO a
= case O.view ws of
runServant ws Return a -> return a
:>>= f -> runM a f
runM :: WebAction a -> (a -> WebService b) -> ServantIO b
= case x of
runM x f Throw rr@(ServantErr c rs _ _) -> do
<- ask
conn $ connRollback conn (getStmtConn conn)
liftIO "WS" LevelError (show (c,rs) ^. packed)
throwError rrGet k -> get k >>= tsf
New v -> insert v >>= tsf
Del v -> delete v >>= tsf
GetBy u -> getBy u >>= tsf
Upd k v -> replace k v >>= tsf
= runServant . f tsf
Implementing the API
I start with defining a record that will hold the permission checking functions for my four CRUD actions:
data PermsFor a = PermsFor { _newPerms :: PermProgram Bool
_getPerms :: Key a -> PermProgram Bool
, _updPerms :: Key a -> PermProgram Bool
, _delPerms :: Key a -> PermProgram Bool
adminOnly :: PermsFor a
= PermsFor isAdmin (const isAdmin) (const isAdmin) (const isAdmin) adminOnly
The runCrud
function handles most of the logic. It needs as arguments a connection pool, the previously defined record, and two optional functions.
The first optional function is used when creating a new item in the database. It is here to setup appropriate rights for the object that was just created (set its owner).
The second optional function is used to perform additional cleanup before object deletion. Its main use is to remove cross references.
As a result you get all four crud actions defined and ready to use by the serve
runCrud :: (PersistEntity a, ToBackendKey SqlBackend a, PC b)
=> ConnectionPool -- ^ Connection pool
-> PermsFor a -- ^ Permission checking record
-> Maybe (Key Person -> Key a -> AccessType -> b)
-- ^ Extra actions after creation
-> Maybe (Key a -> WebService ()) -- ^ Extra actions after deletion
-> ( Maybe Text -> a -> EitherT ServantErr IO (MKey a))
:<|> ((Maybe Text -> MKey a -> EitherT ServantErr IO a)
:<|> ((Maybe Text -> MKey a -> a -> EitherT ServantErr IO ())
:<|> ( Maybe Text -> MKey a -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()))
)PermsFor pnew pget pupd pdel) rightConstructor predelete =
runCrud pool (:<|> runget :<|> runupd :<|> rundel
runnew where
Nothing _ = throw err401
auth Just dn) perm = do
auth (<- mgetBy (UniqueName dn) >>= maybe (throw err403) return
user <- checkPerms user perm
unless check (throw err403)return user
= runQuery $ do
runget dn mk let k = mk ^. _MKey
$ auth dn (pget k)
mgetOr404 k= runQuery $ do
runnew dn val <- auth dn pnew
usr <- mnew val
k -> mnew (c (entityKey usr) k Owner)) rightConstructor
F.mapM_ (\c return (k ^. from _MKey)
= runQuery $ do
runupd dn mk val let k = mk ^. _MKey
$ auth dn (pupd k)
mupd k val= runQuery $ do
rundel dn mk let k = mk ^. _MKey
$ auth dn (pdel k)
void $ k) predelete
F.mapM_ (
mdel k runQuery :: WebService a -> EitherT ServantErr IO a
= runStderrLoggingT $ runSqlPool (runServant ws) pool runQuery ws
The last touch is a default null action that is going to be used when you do not need to setup extra stuff after object creation. You cannot just throw a Nothing
as the type inference will fail (in the definition of runCrud
you can see there is a b
that needs to be known, even if it is not used). I picked randomly one of the available types that satisfy the PersistEntity
-- A default action for when you need not run additional actions after creation
noCreateRightAdjustment :: Maybe (Key Person -> Key a -> AccessType -> PostRights)
= Nothing noCreateRightAdjustment
Serving the API
The server function takes a ConnectionPool
and can be directly served by ... the serve
function from servant
. It should be painless to add additional CRUD endpoints.
server :: ConnectionPool -> Server MyApi
server pool Nothing
runCrud pool adminOnly noCreateRightAdjustment :<|> defaultCrud blogPostRight PostRights Nothing
= rw (c cid) .|| isAdmin
editRights c cid = owner (c cid) .|| isAdmin
delRights c cid =
defaultPermissions c PermsFor always
const always)
(editRights c)
(delRights c)= runCrud pool (defaultPermissions c)
defaultCrud c r d Just r) d (
Finally, the main
function creates the connection pool, run the migration scripts and starts the web service.
main :: IO ()
= do
main <- runStderrLoggingT $ do
pool <- createSqlitePool ":memory:" 1
runSqlPool (runMigration migrateAll) preturn p
8080 (serve myApi (server pool))
I am not sure how this post went. When I started it, I expected it to be just a few lines long, but it turned out I had to add all kind of parts to have a complete example that somebody else could compile and run. Hopefully it demonstrates how easy it is to integrate different libraries with the help of DSL glue.
What it didn't show is how useful this might be for testing, as you "just" need to write a pure variant of runServant
that will mock the database endpoints to verify your logic.
This might also look overengineered, but I wrote all this machinery for a webservice that has around 100 endpoints, so the ability to concisely describe the endpoint logic and expected access rights pays off well.